The 7 SECRET Discussions The Wealthy Are Having That You Need to Know EBook (the “EBook”) has been prepared by You Are a CEO, Inc. (the “Company”) and is general information about building wealth. The information in the EBook is provided in summary form only and does not purport to be complete.
The EBook does not contain all the information that is or may be material to investors or potential investors and should not be considered as advice or a recommendation to investors or potential investors in respect of the holding, purchasing or selling of securities or other financial instruments and does not take into account any investor’s particular objectives, financial situation or needs.
By accessing and reading the EBook you agree to be bound as follows: The EBook has been made available to you solely for information purposes. The contents of the EBook should not be considered to be legal, tax, investment or other advice, and any investor or prospective investor considering the purchase or disposal of any securities should consult with its own counsel and advisers as to all legal, tax, regulatory, financial and related matters concerning an investment in or a disposal of such securities and as to their suitability for such investor or prospective investor.
Information in the EBook (including market data and statistical information) has been obtained from various sources (including third party sources) and the Company does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of such information.
The information in the EBook is not intended to predict actual results and no assurances are given with respect thereto. None of the Company, its advisers, connected persons or any other person accepts any liability whatsoever for any loss whatsoever arising, directly or indirectly, from the EBook or its contents.