Are YOU ready to live your best life?

We are a community of self-leaders with access to exclusive tools to help us become the best version of ourselves.

Why Join You Are a CEO?

Be healthy, make more money, have better relationships and achieve your goals!

The You Are a CEO self-leadership platform offers life changing content in five key areas including mind fitness, health, life management, money management and wealth building. 

Our Success iQ assessment and coaching is designed to: 
  • Help you recognize fears
  • Increase self-awareness
  • Overcome insecurities 
  • Be empowered for success in life!

Create a Free Account

Benefits of Joining the Community

Create a Free Account

Choose Your Membership Option

Free Membership

  • Access to the weekly CEO TV live broadcast featuring topics centered on five key areas including: mind fitness, health, money management, wealth management and life management. 
  • Full access to the Uplift mind fitness app - a refreshingly, inspirational social environment for everyone to improve their mind fitness. 
  • Unlimited access to the on-demand coaching and training library featuring life changing content, empowering people to reach their full potential from Michael E. Parker, Founder CEO, and industry experts.

Premium Membership

  • Access to the weekly CEO TV live broadcast featuring topics centered on five key areas including: mind fitness, health, money management, wealth management and life management. 
  • Full access to the Uplift mind fitness app - a refreshingly, inspirational social environment for everyone to improve their mind fitness. 
  • Unlimited access to the on-demand coaching and training library featuring life changing content, empowering people to reach their full potential from Michael E. Parker, Founder and CEO, and industry experts.
  • Full access to the 30-day Success iQ challenge. In just 30 days, learn about the four "villains" within you that stop you from truly reaching sustainable success. Who are the villains? Self-ignorance, fear, mediocrity and insecurities. 
  • Full access to the Success iQ assessment and comprehensive report to help you lay a foundation for personal success in your business, life and career focusing on four critical areas: 
    • Courage iQ
    • Excellence iQ
    • Self-Awareness iQ
    • Self-Empowerment iQ

Executive Membership

  • Access to the weekly CEO TV live broadcast featuring topics centered on five key areas including: mind fitness, health, money management, wealth management and life management. 
  • Full access to the Uplift mind fitness app - a refreshingly, inspirational social environment for everyone to improve their mind fitness. 
  • Unlimited access to the on-demand coaching and training library featuring life changing content, empowering people to reach their full potential from Michael E. Parker, Founder and CEO, and industry experts.
  • Full access to the 30-day Success iQ challenge. In just 30 days, learn about the four "villains" within you that stop you from truly reaching sustainable success. Who are the villains? Self-ignorance, fear, mediocrity and insecurities. 
  • Full access to the Success iQ assessment and comprehensive report to help you lay a foundation for personal success in your business, life and career focusing on four critical areas: 
    • Courage iQ
    • Excellence iQ
    • Self-Awareness iQ
    • Self-Empowerment iQ
  • Live quarterly training with Michael E. Parker, Founder and CEO and industry experts focused on topics including: You Are a CEO philosophy, health, fitness, finance, money management, productivity, organization, leadership, management, career development and entrepreneurship. 
  • Personalized monthly group coaching with Michael E. Parker, Founder and industry experts. During the sessions you will gain clarity and recognize opportunities as you engage with advisors to help you achieve and succeed. 

What Members are Saying

I love You Are A CEO!!! The product is amazing. Everyday I wake up now, I think of "what am I going to achieve today?!" It's a network for us to all share our accomplishMints (great or small), we celebrate them all!! I started out with accessing the network via web browser, but now I have been using it on my mobile devices - iPad and iPhone - and it's been smooth sailing! The application is so easy to use and very clean interface. The developers really outdid themselves. This is a great app! 

- iiaamabby
Fun & Positive! I'm really enjoying this app! Love the environment it's all positive, it's all about self achievement. Cool shows, cool courses quizzes, and social activity. I wake up so happy to see what everyone is doing. Its a start up company and already they are off to a bang. Customer service is quick, responsive and they are nice too. Looking forward to seeing this grow, so I'm sticking around.

- Charleez26
I’ve struggled with making my fitness a priority.
I just kept making excuses not to excise and control my portions. It seemed that my food urges and cravings override my will power. I heard the videos about how our minds work and I saw my biology had control. What a life changer. I love the app and the tools they offer. You Are a CEO is for me.

- CEOofMe
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